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Hiding behind technology

So I’d been racking my brain trying to come up with something for the upcoming Mask show with the Palouse Women Artists group and simply drew a blank. The yesterday the hubby suggested “Hiding behind technology” and my brain went DING!!!!!!

Went out to the shed during a driving rainstorm, started digging thru my stuff and hauled a bunch of it into the house:


Grabbed the sunglasses from when I had my eyes dilated last year and the wig head I had and decided it would be part of the piece:

I had a piece made of hard drive platters and beads I’d made a while back, but it didn’t go as I’d planned so I’d stashed it for future inspiration. When I looked at it I thought it would be perfect for my mask.


So I glued it to the sunglasses along with the inside of a couple floppy discs  and then started adding to it. I had a small keyboard for something. I’d gotten a big box of things that had already been taken apart and was using several items from the. The keyboard was a perfect addition to the piece:



I added a couple more pieces before going to bed. Of course my brain immediately kicked into overdrive about what else I could do on it, so getting to sleep took a while.

Managed to finally get some sleep, but as soon as I woke up when it was light out, up I got. Put some coffee in the microwave, started a fresh pot and then out to the shed for what I needed from my brainwave the night before.

Made a second trip out to the shed and started working on my mask before actually drinking any coffee, much less being fully awake. Once I got the majority of the mask assembled I finally  curled up in my chair and enjoyed my coffee, along with 4 more cups LOL!

Decided that the wig head was too plain, so I took a red stocking that had laddered and put that over the head. After adding a few more details to the mask it was ready:


Dropped it off with the person who will deliver it to the Barn with a number of other pieces. The show opens at the Dahmen Barn on the April 2nd with a reception from 2-4 pm and will run thru the 30th. My piece will be for sale. If it doesn’t sell at the show I will then list it thru my Etsy shop.


Hiding behind technology was originally published on Purple Ducky Designs

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Purple Ducky Designs is now on Amazon!!!!!!

Amazon has launched Handmade at Amazon and I was accepted to sell thru them. I currently have just a few items listed, I will be adding more over the next few days. So drop on by my new store front and see what is new :)


Purple Ducky Designs is now on Amazon!!!!!! was originally published on Purple Ducky Designs

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Computer hard drive platter mini light catcher


A computer hard drive platter makes for an interesting light catcher to hang in windows or on the porch. Green, yellow and orange beads.

8 inches in length.

This can be purchased at Purple Ducky Designs on Etsy.

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Hard drive spindle ring earrings


Earrings made from recycled computer hard drive spindle rings, cat5 wire and beads.

These earrings are fairly light weight.

These earring are shown with posts. They can be converted to ear wires at no extra cost, just let me know when you order.


These can be purchased thru my Etsy shop.

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Computer hard drive connector earrings


Earrings made from recycled computer hard drives connectors and beads. A unique piece of wearable art.


These earring can be purchased thru my Etsy shop.

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Computer motherboard chipset heat sink pin


The chipset heatsink off a computer motherboard off a computer motherboard makes for an interesting brooch.

1.5 in X 1.5 inches



This can be purchased thru my shop on Etsy

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Hard drive spindle ring earrings with sea shells


Earrings made from recycled computer hard drive spindle rings, beads and sea shells. The sea shells were brought back from the South Seas by my grandpa when he came back from WWII. A unique piece of wearable art.

These earrings are fairly light weight.

These earrings are shown with ear wires. They can be converted to posts at no extra cost, just let me know when you order.



Available in my Etsy shop