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Purple Ducky Designs At Moscow Artwalk 2017

I was able to get a booth to demonstrate and sell my jewelry and art at this year’s Moscow Artwalk. I had quite a bit of fun, tho only made one sale. But I did talk with a lot of people and gave away a few cards. Quite a few people also took pictures to post on Snapchat and other social media.

Picked up a pop up canopy from a friend who sold it to me for $40, brand new, never out of the box. It is a very good color too:

I had a very nice location also. Weather was troublesome tho, wind was annoying. Luckily I’d brought pretty much all my gear and supplies as a couple of my bins were heavy enough to use as weights, as was the Del computer I was going to take apart:

At this point it was more useful as an anchor than for materials LOL! I had plenty of hard drives and laptops to take apart if needed:

Had a very good view up and down Main,  tho being downwind of Duke’s Place was a bit problematic, it smelled so good my mouth kept watering all evening LOL! I’d brought munchies along, but grapes and string cheese just wasn’t what my taste buds were wanting.

Tried to sprinkle a few times, but the rain held off. The wind however! Tried to move my canopy a good 2-3 feet at one point, so glad I had the weights on at least 3 corners. Will be looking at a better solution than bins and Dell computers. Wrap around sandbags maybe, or just fund barbell weights at the thrift shops. We’ll see.

But I love my new canopy. Need to get a banner to hang across the front. Have one designed thru my Zazzle shop, just need to order it before the next event in July.

The sun finally did come out:

Tho the breeze didn’t quite go away. I was taking my jacket on and off all evening and I’d dressed in layers as is.

Made quite a few items, a couple pair of Pride earrings using spindle rings, here is one set:

Will be uploading all the new items to my Amazon shop in the next couple of days. Need to get some good photos of them all.

Getting a lot better at chatting with people, tho my brain derails frequently when I try and think of a particular word when I am discussing the materials I am using. But I have the most fun talking with the little kids who just are amazed at what I can do with dead computers. I keep a regular hard drive and a laptop hard drive intact with the covers off so they can look at it and spin the platters around. I also have one desktop mostly intact so they can see what the inside of one looks like. Same with a couple motherboards (tho eventually all those will be replace with others as I use up my display models LOL).

Made contact with a couple people who I can get more dead computers from, so that is nice. So while not the most profitable event I have been too, it was fun and I hope to do it again next year.

Now to see about getting booth space at two more events this summer.







Purple Ducky Designs At Moscow Artwalk 2017 was originally published on Purple Ducky Designs

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