Tag: art
What I have been up to lately
I do need to get back into blogging regularly. I have been writing on Medium and do need to share my articles here also.
I have also been working on painting using a program from Escape Motions called Rebelle 5 Pro. They have since upgraded it to version 6, but I have yet to be able to afford the upgrade. I am seriously enjoying it. I picked it up last fall on a special they had for $10 a program.
Sunset over the Palouse (created in Rebelle 5 Pro)
I picked up two other programs, both particle systems that create some very nice art. One is called Flame Painter and the other is Amberlight.
Shards (created with Flame Painter)
Purple Galaxy (created with Amberlight)
Gardening has started I have a number of seedlings out in the greenhouse. Most are coming along nicely. I will have to restart a couple using a force method that uses a damp paper towel and a plastic bag. I have limited myself in how many varieties of tomatoes I have started. I have been overly ambitious for the last couple of years. Too many plants, not enough places for them. Once I get more raised beds in I can increase what I grow.
Some of my seedlings in the greenhouse
That’s it for now. I am going to try and blog at least twice a week and with luck more once I get back into things.
Adding a WooCommerce store to my site

I have decided to add a shopping site directly to my site, so I will be moving physical products here as time goes on. This is partly because so many people have started selling upcycled computer stuff on Etsy. I used to be the only one and have gotten lost in the sea of goods.
It has been a while

Didn’t plan on going offline for so long here. I have been working on some photography projects, but I’ve mostly been decompressing from 40 years of working full time and enjoying retirement.
I has been an interesting year I must say. COVID-19 seriously hit the US right about the time I retired, so that put a bit of a kibosh on the traveling and photography I had planned on. But it did give me a chance to start getting around the house projects started and a chance to work on my writing.
Summer projects are gearing down and it will be time to start working on things I can do in the house. I do have a good start on my art studio in the shed:

It will be nice to have a separate space to work on my jewelry and art pieces. I have a nice space in the house for my computer to work on my photos and digital art:

Now that things are starting to settle into place I am looking forward to all the creating I can do.
My latest piece. Finished completely on Sunday. Hadn’t planned on mounting it quite this way, but the piece grew.

Aches and pains

Digital painting on DeviantArt. Was feeling not so good and this is what I was feeling that day.
Hiding behind technology
So I’d been racking my brain trying to come up with something for the upcoming Mask show with the Palouse Women Artists group and simply drew a blank. The yesterday the hubby suggested “Hiding behind technology” and my brain went DING!!!!!!
Went out to the shed during a driving rainstorm, started digging thru my stuff and hauled a bunch of it into the house:
Grabbed the sunglasses from when I had my eyes dilated last year and the wig head I had and decided it would be part of the piece:
I had a piece made of hard drive platters and beads I’d made a while back, but it didn’t go as I’d planned so I’d stashed it for future inspiration. When I looked at it I thought it would be perfect for my mask.
So I glued it to the sunglasses along with the inside of a couple floppy discs  and then started adding to it. I had a small keyboard for something. I’d gotten a big box of things that had already been taken apart and was using several items from the. The keyboard was a perfect addition to the piece:
I added a couple more pieces before going to bed. Of course my brain immediately kicked into overdrive about what else I could do on it, so getting to sleep took a while.
Managed to finally get some sleep, but as soon as I woke up when it was light out, up I got. Put some coffee in the microwave, started a fresh pot and then out to the shed for what I needed from my brainwave the night before.
Made a second trip out to the shed and started working on my mask before actually drinking any coffee, much less being fully awake. Once I got the majority of the mask assembled I finally  curled up in my chair and enjoyed my coffee, along with 4 more cups LOL!
Decided that the wig head was too plain, so I took a red stocking that had laddered and put that over the head. After adding a few more details to the mask it was ready:
Dropped it off with the person who will deliver it to the Barn with a number of other pieces. The show opens at the Dahmen Barn on the April 2nd with a reception from 2-4 pm and will run thru the 30th. My piece will be for sale. If it doesn’t sell at the show I will then list it thru my Etsy shop.
Hiding behind technology was originally published on Purple Ducky Designs
I have dipped my toes back into Fine Art America. I will be adding more of my digital art as the weeks go by.
Threes was originally published on Purple Ducky Designs
Holly Holiday Flameless Candle
Holly Holiday Flameless Candle was originally published on Purple Ducky Designs
Mushrooms scarf
Great way to brighten up your wardrobe and stay warm this winter!
Mushrooms scarf was originally published on Purple Ducky Designs